Aeromedical Fitness


Medical fitness of:

  1. Aircraft pilot
  2. Cabin crew
  3. Air traffic controllers
  4. Paraglider pilots
  5. Hang glider pilots and Ultralights pilots



  • Pilots have to undergo periodical medical examinations in order to perform their function in a satisfactory way, considering the type of activity.
  • Medical fitness, includ
  • ing physical and mental fitness, means that a pilot is not suffering from any illness or disability that would prevent him from flying an aircraft, performing his duties on board at any time or correctly perceiving his environment.
  • Student pilot is not allowed to fly on his own unless holding medical certificate as required in the license.
  • Light aircraft pilot’s license (LAPL) holders are required to hold medical certificate class 2.
  • Private pilot’s license holders, sailplane pilot’s license holders or balloon pilot’s license holder are required to hold medical certificate class 2.
  • SPL or BPL holders engaged in commercial operations are required to hold at least medical certificate class 2.
  • If PPL or LAPL are endorsed with night rating, the license holder must demonstrate ability to perceive readily the colors the perception of which is necessary.
  • If PPL is endorsed with instrument rating, the license holder must be tested on a pure tone audiometer in accordance with frequency and standards required for medical certificate class 1.
  • CPL holders, MPL holders or ATPL holders are require to hold medical certificate class 1.
  • Medical fitness is assessed on the basis of examinations by AeMC and AME.
  • Initial medical certificate class 1 shall be carried out in AeMC.
  • Medical certificate class 1 shall be valid for a period of 12 months.
  • Validity of medical certificate class 1 shall be reduced to six months for license holders who are:
  • engaged in single-pilot commercial air transportation of passengers and are over the age of 40 years;
  • over the age of 60.
  • Medical certificate class 2 shall be valid for a period of:
  1. 60 months for the license holder under the age of 40. Medical certificate issued to license holder under the age of 40 shall expire when license holder turns 42;
  2. 24 moths for lucence holders aged between 40 and 50. Medical certificate issued to license holder under the age of 51 shall expire when license holder turns 51; and
  3. 12 months for license holders over the age of 50.
  • LAPL medical certificate shall be valid for a period of:
  1. 60 months for the license holders under the age of 40. Medical certificate issued to license holders under the age of 40 shall expiry when they turn 42;
  2. 24 months for license holders over the age of 40.


  • Cabin crew has to undergo aeromedical examination in order to confirm that they are not suffering from any physical or mental illness that could make them incapable of performing their duties on board.
  • Cabin crew has to undergo aeromedical examination before induction and renewal medical examination once every 60 months at the latest.
  • Aeromedical examination has to be carried out by AME, AeMC or OHMP.
  • Medical certificates are issued, as applicable, in accordance with the provisions of Albanian Minister Order no 250/2014, transposition of Commission Regulation (EU) 1178/2011 (Aircrew regulation), as amended




  • Paraglider, hang glider pilots and Ultralight aircraft pilots must hold medical certificate class 2 –issued in accordance with Albanian Minister Order 250/2014, transposing Regulation (EC) 1178/2011, as amended.
  • Medical fitness includes compliance with physical and mental health requirements, visual, color perception requirements, and hearing requirements.
  • Medical fitness is assessedbased on examinations carried out by AeMC and AME.


Medical certificate class 2 –shall be valid:

I. 60 months for the license holder under the age of 40. Medical certificate issued to license holder under the age of 40 shall expire when license holder turns 42;

II. 24 moths for license holders aged between 40 and 50. Medical certificate issued to license holder under the age of 51 shall expire when license holder turns 51; and

III. 12 months for license holders over the age of 50.