Specialized operations High risk commercial specialized operations (HR COM SPO)


High-risk commercial specialized operations (HR COM SPO)

Minister of Transport`s Order No 3746, date 10.07.2017, Part SPO

High risk commercial specialized operation means any commercial specialized aircraft operation carried out over an area where the safety of third parties on the ground is likely to be endangered in the event of an emergency, or, as determined by the competent authority of the place where the operation is conducted, any commercial specialized aircraft operation that, due to its specific nature and the local environment in which it is conducted, poses a high risk, in particular to third parties on the ground;

Prior to commencing a high risk commercial specialized operation, Albanian or foreigner commercial specialized operator shall in accordance with ORO.SPO.110 Regulation (EU) 965/2012 apply for and obtain an authorization issued by the Albanian Civil Aviation Authority. In Republic of Albania Authorization for high risk, commercial specialized operation is required when following activities/operations are being performed commercially:

Helicopter external sling loads operations (HESLO);

Human external cargo operations (HEC);

Dropping or spraying from an aircraft in flight;

Any commercial specialized operation below SERA minimum heights over the congested areas of cities, towns or settlements or over an open-air assembly of persons.

Procedure for HR COM Albanian SPO Authorization:

Prior to commencing operations, operator shall apply with Application Request for approval of commercial specialized high risk operations (FORM 13 ACAA-DAMO-OPS) and attach required documentation with Ministers Joint Order No 2225, date 13.05.2013 for administrative fee (https://www.acaa.gov.al )

Albanian Civil Aviation Authority shall review the operator’s risk assessment documentation and standard operating procedures (SOP), related to one or more planned operations and developed in accordance with the relevant requirements of Annex VIII (Part-SPO) to Regulation (EU) 965/2012 as changed and amended;

When satisfied with the risk assessment and SOP, Albanian Civil Aviation Authority shall issue the Authorization.

The conditions under which an operator is authorized to conduct one or more high-risk commercial specialized operations are specified in the authorization.

Important: For verifying the operator’s standard operating procedures (SOPs), Albanian Civil Aviation Authority may conduct an audit at the operator’s facilities or require the conduct of one or more demonstration flights operated as if they were high-risk commercial specialized operations.

Procedure for cross border HR COM Albanian SPO Authorization:

Operator shall apply for high-risk commercial specialized operation authorization to its competent authority;

The competent authority of the operator shall review the operator’s risk assessment documentation and standard operating procedures (SOP) in coordination with the competent authority of the place where the operation is planned to be conducted.

When both authorities are satisfied with the risk assessment and SOP, the competent authority of the operator shall issue the authorization.

Additional information:

More information on specialized operations and high risk commercial specialized operations are available at https://www.easa.europa.eu/easa-and-you/air-operations/specialised-operations-spo or sent a question to: info@acaa.gov.al