

In accordance with the Albanian Air Code, National Supervisory Authority (Albania Civil Aviation Authority – ACAA) is nominated by the State (through article 9, “CAA responsibilities for: designation, certification and oversight of ANSP”) and entrusted with various tasks.

CAA is tasked in particular with the verification of compliance for ATS, CNS, MET and AIS  services with the requirements set by the Service Provision Regulation (EC) 550/2004 transposed in national legislation with MoT Nr. 6, datë 3.6.2010 “Mbi Dispozitat e Shërbimit te Navigimit Ajror ne Qiellin e Vetëm Evropian”, its implementing rules, the Common Requirements Regulation (EU) 1035/2011 transposed in national legislation with MoT Nr. 115 date 23.10.2012 “Për Miratimin e Rregullores mbi Kërkesat e Përbashkëta për Ofrimin e Shërbimeve të Lundrimit Ajror”.

To this end, CAA issues certificates of compliance with the above mentioned regulation and ensure compliance monitoring and continued supervision of service providers.

CAA conducts certification and oversight of ATCO training organisations in accordance with Commission Regulation (EC) 805/2011 transposed in national legislation with MoT Nr. 117 datë 23.10.2012 “Për Miratimin e Rregullores mbi Rregullat e Detajuara për Liçencat dhe Çertifikatat e Kontrollorëve të Trafikut Ajror”